22年前、稲垣早苗さん(現在ヒナタノオトを主宰)が私の両親(陶芸家)の家を改築してくれた大工さんの取材に来られました。(その大工さんはその後、私たちの家も建てて下さった方なのですが、そのお話はまた別の機会に) その時、たまたま工房の片隅で夢中でインドネシアで見たバナナの葉をうつわに描いていた私を見つけて、「今度、海外の風を感じる作品を紹介する企画展をするので参加しませんか?」と誘ってくださったのが始まりです。
It’s already been 22 years since I first met Sanae Inagaki, the owner&founder of Hinata-note, a gallery in Tokyo, who organized our duo-show this time.
I almost had nothing 22 years ago, no career, no house, no studio, no kid, no fancy car or clothes, etc., etc., It was even a little before we got married, so my last name was different.
One day, she came to my parents'(also potters) house to write an article about the carpenter who renovated their house for a home&interior magazine, and found me, immersing myself in drawing banana leaves that I fell in love with in Indonesia on plates and cups in the corner of their studio where they kindly let me use to start my new career as a potter. Before she left, she came up to me and told me that she was also working at a gallery besides writing, and organizing a group show focusing on artists creating works with a feeling of foreign countries. It was a small surprise then because I didn't know if she was serious and also, I had no idea where this offer would bring me to. But I thankfully took the offer, and that was my debut event as a potter.
Again, 17 years ago, she came to invite me to be part in a new project, "Kobo-kara-no-kaze", or "breeze from studio", an open-air hand-crafted market she was launching, and then she also asked Tetsuya to show his work there. At that time, though he was playing with wheel making something but he had another job and not a professional potter. But he thought it an interesting idea and took her offer. And that turned out to be his debut event as a potter.
Strangely, she always appeared when we (unconsciously) needed someone to get something important going. She found us as if she came across an interesting shell on the beach and gave us a ticket to experience the most exciting live theatre. We thank her so much for giving us an opportunity to play a role on this pottery theater. And we know by now, this will be a life-long roles.
Life is mysterious and beautiful!

明日館初日の様子1 On the first day #1

明日館初日の様子2 On the first day #2
美しい映像を撮影して下さったのは、いとうゆりさん@ito _video _work

The early half of the show was held at Myonichikan, or "House of Tomorrow", an important cultural property designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, then moved to Hinata-note in the latter half.
ライトの魅力満載のインテリアとエクステリア One of a kind architecture!