Usually, we spend summer overseas.
Having our shows in foreign countries and taking vacation there have become our family tradition in the last 10 or so years. But because of the coronavirus outbreak, we could not go anywhere this summer.
We were a little upset about staying home all the time in the beginning but ended up finding so much what our home really means to us. Spending time at home could be so much fun was an eye-opening experience, something we would never notice without this coronavirus outbreak.
We hope you have found something positive out of the situation all of us are facing to, too...
Waterlilies and hydrangea really are summer beauties...
Unfortunately, we couldn't see them blooming a while since we were always away home in summer.
But this year, hello! here they are. I found many living jewels in our garden...
実っている間、留守にしていたので今まで収穫は中途半端、ほとんど鳥さんに餌を提供している状態でした... が、今年はこの通り、夢だった庭のベリーでジャムを煮ることもできました!
We planted some blueberry trees in our front yard picturing that anyone, especially kids, could enjoy picking and and eating fresh berries as approaching to the house when the fruits are in season. We knew the trees had been producing some berries, but it was just to feed the birds. We never saw berries hanging on the trees in the last couple of years since we were always away during summer... But finally this year, we could enjoy (sharing) the harvest (with birds). (But still) So abundant that we I could even make jams!
Everyday while vacationing at home in the mid-August, I checked my dad's(next door) and my garden in the early afternoon, and cooked with what I found there. When the food was ready, we opened beer or wine and enjoyed quiet&peaceful, delicious time...
Another accomplishment of this summer was, the boys have started on a new project; making an outdoor woodfire pizza kiln! Though they could only built a hut for the kiln during this vacation, it will be continued and we are supposed to have pizza party next summer vacation....can't wait, haha!