Our beloved dog, Hachi passed away on a beautiful Sunday end of May.
Hachi and we became a family in 2009, just a year after we built our house&studio here.
So, his life is a very history of our family and studio since we started living on this land.
Tetsuya and myself started working in a small studio turning wheels next to each other with Hachi sleeping in between, soon after that, we figured we needed more space and built another complex, and 2 apprentices joined, and they started throwing between us and Hachi.
In the mean time, our 3 daughters had grown up big, just the trees we planted in the garden, and left home to colleges one by one, every time, Hachi saw them out to the door with us.
A little less than 13 years of life feels not long, but it is long enough to make babies ladies, wild land to green garden, and have matured so many things around us, and Hachi had always been a #1 witness of all that.
We are still feeling too sad to say forever-goodbye to Hachi and hoping that he would recognize us right away when we see him again in heaven and come running to us as he had always been.
We would like to say thank you very much for everyone befriended Hachi.
You all are part of making him one of the happiest dog on this planet, thank you!
